Discover who we are and what we do

Choose GENERAL BAR to help you in selecting creditors’ rights counsel worldwide!

Our network of attorneys handle collection, bankruptcy, subrogation, and most general legal matters. In addition, our customers can benefit from the free insurance program that protects them on each and every referral that is properly placed with GB counsel and reported to our office. You and the selected attorney set a mutually agreeable fee, normally contingent upon results obtained.

GENERAL BAR is rich in history, starting with humble beginnings by George Bloom, a man with a vision. In 1941, in the midst of World War II, George Bloom, along with his wife Ruth, ventured out and established GENERAL BAR, which has now grown into the largest resource of vetted and insured collection lawyers in the world. George originally operated from the Bar Building in New York City, and for decades he was a friendly face at CLLA meetings, taking pictures and making memories.

In 1983 the Sonnhalter family acquired GENERAL BAR and continues to develop it into the successful and widely-acclaimed company it is today. The Sonnhalter family, along with their dedicated staff, is providing the industry with a succession plan to take care of its needs now and for many years to come. They continually challenge themselves to provide the best product on the market, noting that their loyal customers inspire them to strive for excellence.

Michael J. Sonnhalter, Charles J. Sonnhalter & Robert C. Sonnhalter

For many years the GENERAL BAR directory was only available in printed format, but as the industry grew so did GENERAL BAR, becoming the first list of its kind to have a web presence. In the past we printed 10,000 copies of the directory, but now millions of people worldwide can access our listees’ information via our website. You may also download a PDF version of the latest directory and quarterly addendums from our website homepage. gives our customers the ability to select counsel and send business directly to them, along with any needed attachments. There is a tracking feature from which clients can view each claim placed.

We provide you with the greatest number of attorney listings and the most current information available. All listed counsel complete an application process before being listed. State Bar Association information we receive confirms that the listed attorney is an active member in good standing with the Bar Association. Clients must mention GB as the referral source both to GB and the selected attorney in order to activate coverage through our $2,000,000 Chubb insurance program, which is twice the amount of insurance offered by most law lists. Many listees carry their own malpractice insurance policy.

The overwhelming majority of our listed counsel renew their listing every year, which gives our clients the optimum number of law firms to employ. Our insurance program is the largest and most comprehensive available in our industry. Call us at 1-800-533-2500 for personal assistance in selecting legal counsel, obtaining status reports, and any other legal department needs.

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